Friday, May 2, 2008

bunnies are just like people: 1st installment

Now I have already had at least two scientifically minded people pull me up on my idea that bunnies are just like people, however I hope to prove this point over a number of entries on this blog.

Observe the two bunnies below...

They are sisters who have known one another since the womb. In this picture it looks like they are both they are very close and snuggly with one another. They could even be about to give one another a sisterly bunny kiss.

However, looks can be deceiving. What the picture fails to reveal - I blame my unsteady hand, the fact that it's a dodgy phone camera and the not entirely co-operative attitude of the subjects - is that one bunny is eating food from the mouth of the other bunny. It would appear that there is a bunny maxim that goes something like this...

The food in the other bunny's mouth is far more delicious than the food in the dish.

As you will gather from the picture, these are not starving bunnies.

What the bunnies are doing is really just a slightly less sophisticated version our own behaviour. We can think that the stuff that other people have, or the lives that they lead, are way more exciting than what we've got. It can even get to the point where we can't see the good things that we have, because we're so fixated on other people's lives and possessions.

Well I don't hold great hopes for modifying the behaviour of our bunnies, but I do hope that I can learn to grow in contentment (Phil 4:11-12; 1 Tim 6:6). There is plenty of room for me to grow in that department. To that end I have agreed to write a print article about it in the next month or two so that I can think harder about what it means to be content, and hopefully encourage myself and others in that path. I'll keep you all posted about with any major breakthroughs.

I also plan to continue anthropomorphising the bunnies.

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