Friday, May 9, 2008

bunnies are just like people: 2nd installment

Today the rabbits escaped from their hutch, again.

The larger of our two bunnies, Honey Bunny, is a kind of bunny Houdini. Today's escape involved a combination of tunneling under the hutch and moving bricks that had been placed to prevent escape! (She looks cute, doesn't she?!)

Getting them back in the hutch before they've had a run around seems unkind to me, so we blocked off the exits to our yard and gave them a lengthy playtime before I returned them to their hutch late this afternoon. However this meant that I had to commit to keeping an eye on them all day.

What the bunnies fail to understand is that we keep them confined for good reasons. There are numerous threats to their safety outside the hutch: cars on the road, mouse poison under the house, a large neighbourhood cat population and a vicious sounding dog that lives next door.

So what tenuous link will I draw between rabbits and us? Well I reckon that the way we relate to God is sometimes a bit like how the bunnies relate to me. The bunnies assume that they know what's best for them, but their knowledge is sadly limited. If they had been allowed to do as they pleased today there is every chance that one or both of them would have met a sticky end.

Sometimes it's hard to understand why God gives Christians particular guidelines for living in the Bible. Some of the commands seem really old-fashioned, and out of step with standards that most other people have.

While I can come up with reasons for most of God's commands to us, there are some where I don't know anything approaching the full story. These commands call for trust and obedience just as much as the ones I can explain do.

The analogy does break down of course, because God is much greater in his love for us than I am in my love for my rabbits (though I most certainly do care for them). Also the difference between God's knowledge and my knowledge is much greater than the difference between my knowledge and that of a fluffy bunny.

I would like it if our bunnies displayed a little more trust and obedience toward us as their owners, after all, we are not nasty killjoys!

How much more should Christians trust and obey our loving, all-knowing Father.

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