Sunday, May 18, 2008

unwell penguin

I've caught the dreaded lurgy. Well at least some kind of virus that has left me largely contained to the couch. It isn't all that spectacular in symptoms - sore throat is the main one - but it has sucked away most of my energy. Mentally I'm still reasonably with it so daytime TV is not particularly alluring - on a recent Oprah episode I saw a family being told that they were all overweight because their house was too cluttered! An interesting, if somewhat implausible, chain of cause and effect...

Hope to be better and a fully functional penguin soon.


UltraViolet said...

Do you think the virus is spread through blogs, because I have the same lurgy

Anonymous said...

Oh dear ultraviolet, hope you are well soon. I will phone to make sure you are OK.

Hope you are feeling much better too penguin but being ultra's mum I am concerned :-)

I was interested in learning more of the strange connection between clutter and weight? I just cannot think what it would be.