Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jesus is the best, chuck out the rest!

Today I met with some Bible study leaders to take a look at the book of Hebrews from the Bible. I asked them to come up with a summary sentence for the book, and one stand out from many helpful summaries was:

Jesus is the best, chuck out the rest!

I thought it was quite apt, though it's worth noting that the writer to the Hebrews isn't necesssarily saying that everything apart from Jesus is rubbish that should be chucked out, but rather...

Jesus is the best, you don't need the rest, because He is the best.

Angels, Moses, high priests, the tabernacle and the law all had their role to play in the story of God's people, but in the end they can't fully represent God to us, nor can they save us from God's anger over our wrongdoing, like Jesus does.

I'll be writing more about Hebrews in coming days and weeks, so if you're keen to read along with me and give feedback and ideas, I'd love to hear from you. You can find a version online here.

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