Sunday, September 7, 2008

meme: random facts

Apologies to anyone who has looked at my blog in the last three weeks only to be greeted by the same picture of my rabbit's behind. Finally, I have been stirred from my blog slumber by Jean who has tagged me to do this meme.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you!
2. Post the rules on your blog!
3. List 6 random facts about yourself!
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post!
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog!
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog!

1. My favourite composer is Beethoven. I'd like it if I could name someone more obscure and clever sounding, but it just wouldn't be true.

2. I recently made healthy muffins from a recipe in a pregnancy book. They are terrible! Beware any cake or muffin recipe with no added sugar or sweetener.

3. I purchased fennel which was on special at the supermarket today because I had read on a website that it's suitable for rabbits to eat. They don't like it, but I'll keep serving it to them 'til it's gone. It could be an acquired taste...

4. When I went to Tasmania last year I saw penguins in three different places on four separate occasions, only one of which I had to pay for.

5. The most comfortable pants that I can wear at the moment are an old pair of fluffy grey trackky daks. My husband thinks that I should throw them out, but I can't bear to. In all of this I have been shown to be a hypocrite, for there are many items of clothing that I've urged him to throw out over the last few years. Apparently the arguments I present in favour of hanging on to them are duplicates of those that he has presented to me in the past.

6. In spite of (or perhaps because of?) years of tertiary training in western art music I am really enjoying watching Australian Idol at the moment.

Just like Jean, I don't actually know six people with suitable blogs well enough to link to them (and she's already linked to two that I know) so I'm linking to Random Alex, UltraViolet and the Idle Introvert.

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