Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a dose of dosa - adventurous eating

Andrew and I had a new culinary experience a few days ago. We were in the mood for some mild Indian food and, as we live not far from a shopping strip made up almost exclusively of Indian shops, we decided to get some takeaway.

We thought we were going to a stock standard take away place, and had been planning to order butter chicken - something that would be nice and easy on a reflux prone tummy. However, when we looked at the menu we realised that, apart from a few very bland dishes obviously designed for non Indians (eg. chicken fried rice - hardly an Indian staple!), we didn't recognise a thing.

Almost everything listed ended in the word "dosa". Perhaps we should have been tipped off by the fact that the place was called "The Dosa Hut"! So we asked what they were and got some recommendations. We also picked two unrecognisable entrees at random.

The entrees were ok, but the dosas were fantastic. They are like a large savoury pancake, with stuffing and dipping sauces. They were also reasonably cheap and made a substantial meal, at around $6 each.

The decor was simple - plastic chairs and tables. We were the only non-Indians dining there that evening, however we were made to feel very welcome and no one made fun of our ignorance.

We plan to go back again. Perhaps later in pregnancy I'll go really crazy and get a 70 cm dosa: the footlong at subway pales by comparison!

If you're curious, as always Wikipedia has an article about dosas here.

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