Thursday, May 22, 2008

which bunny is superior?

I'm still feeling the after effects of being sick and don't have much brain today, so it feels appropriate to blog about bunnies again.

A few members of our church youth group are divided over the question of which pet bunny of ours is the superior bunny. This is probably the best kind of division one could have at church : )

So here are some descriptions of our bunnies, along with a photo. Please cast your vote as to which bunny is the superior bunny...

Honey Bunny

  • is extremely cute - has a strong resemblance to Peter Rabbit
  • is a go getting bunny - has found multiple ways to escape her hutch and is always first to try a new adventure
  • doesn't mind being patted on ground level but has an aversion to being picked up - we are told this is typical for bunnies - she will bite if she deems it necessary
  • is bigger than her sister and sometimes uses this to her advantage - she can be a bit of a thug
Koko Black

  • is cute, but not as cute as Honey Bunny
  • is a more retiring bunny, doesn't get herself into trouble
  • isn't a big fan of getting patted on ground level, but tolerates being picked up and the odd cuddle
  • is a follower, will try things after her sister has tested the waters a few times


wschuller said...

they both look delicious

Pilgrim Penguin said...

you are not the first person who has sized them up for the pot!!