Thursday, May 29, 2008

you know you're watching too much daytime TV when...

... the tunes you can't get out of your head are ad jingles. Right now it's the acoustic guitar from the "Lite and Easy" commercial.

I'm still fighting off the bug I've had for a few weeks now, and my husband has also come down with it. A household of mild misery. Am off to the doctor tomorrow to see about some antibiotics.

Today I felt indebted to the advice from one of the youth group girls about daytime TV, namely that the midday movies are a great pick. So I put my feet up, set my mind in neutral, and watched a B grade movie about a young college student who gets caught up in organised crime. He learnt many valuable moral lessons from the experience and won the heart of the honest and beautiful daughter of the head of the organised crime ring. Ahh!

Now I'm about to settle back and watch "Stockinger", the daggiest detective on TV. The show is set in Salzburg, where I lived for about eighteen months. I love it.

Hope to write something a little more meaningful soon. Also hope to be watching a lot less TV : )

1 comment:

UltraViolet said...

I've given the bug to my household too. Now it's probably being circulated around the 4 year olds of Broome (because I live with one of them).

None of us can be bothered doing anything. The only happy one in the house is the dog who, although lacking exercise, is enjoying the company at home!