Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mexican standoff in the bunny hutch

Food has always been a bit of a divider for our bunnies.

Every meal time they hear one of us approach with their pellets and are stirred into a frenzy of anxiety. Will there be a sufficient supply for both? For a while they simply growled at one other and acted a bit agro until the pellets arrived, at which point both would go heads down, tails up into their bowl.

Now, however, bunny paranoia has reached a new level. The attitude runs something like this:

If there are to be enough bunny pellets for me, then I need to keep you away from them, so that I can have them for myself. However, keeping you away from the pellets involves vigilance on my part, therefore I cannot enjoy the pellets either.

I have never claimed that they are intelligent creatures!

Until a human intervenes, or the hunger pangs get too strong, no bunny gets to eat. The pellets disappear far more slowly over the day, rather than vanishing within an hour or two of first being put out as they used to.

(Lest anyone mistake us for cruel people who underfeed our bunnies, it is worth pointing out that they always have plenty of hay, and usually also grass and vegies supplementary to their pellets. Both bunnies are amply proportioned.)

I was tempted to call this post "bunnies are just like people - 3rd installment", but I restrained myself. While I did take a small portion of potato from my husband's plate yesterday, I didn't growl at him as I did so, nor did we both go hungry while protecting our meals from one another!

However, there is a fundamental lack of bunny trust in us as their carers and protectors which I find disheartening. In many ways this is very similar to how we treat God - He gives us everything and promises to provide all we need, yet most of the time we act as if there isn't enough to go around, and assume that we ought to get whatever we need on our own terms, even if it means hurting someone else. (Rom 1:18-32)

Even just this afternoon I have been reminded of my need to keep on trusting God in prayer for everything I need. May I act toward Him and my fellow humans far better than the bunnies treat their owners and one another!

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